Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services (ICJCS) metadata Yayasan Education and Social Center en-US Indonesian Collaboration Journal of Community Services (ICJCS) 2807-338X PEMBERDAYAAN MATA PENCAHARIAN DI PEDESAAN MELALUI TEKNOLOGI PENETAS TELUR SEBAGAI PENDORONG PENINGKATAN EKONOMI DI DESA SIREMEN KECAMATAN TANARA KABUPATEN SERANG <p><em>This community service aims to empower livelihoods in Siremen Village, Tanara District, Serang Regency, through the application of egg hatching technology to improve the community's economy. Preliminary studies are carried out to understand village conditions, identify potential, and determine needs that form the basis for planning economic empowerment programs. Collaboration through coordination meetings with related parties, such as the village government and local breeders, has proven to be a crucial factor in the success of the program. The implementation of training and workshops focuses on increasing the knowledge and skills of village communities regarding egg hatching technology and livestock management. Research findings show that training with the active participation of local farmers can increase the acceptance and implementation of new technologies. The implementation of egg hatching technology is supported by the provision of equipment and technical guidance, increasing efficiency and productivity in its application on chicken farms.</em></p> <p><em>Regular monitoring and evaluation of progress on the farm, including data collection on egg and chicken meat production, is the basis for assessing the program's economic impact. Extension and dissemination of activity results through seminars, reports and scientific publications are crucial steps in increasing awareness of new technologies in the agricultural and livestock sectors. Overall, this activity succeeded in empowering livelihoods in Siremen Village, with solid collaboration, effective training, technology implementation, and regular monitoring being the key points for its success</em></p> Rani Puspa Angrian Permana Atoilah Atoilah Azizurrohim Azizurrohim Dinar Okto Praditya Agung Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2024 Rani Puspa, ?Angrian Permana, Atoilah, Azizurrohim, Dinar Okto Praditya 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 37 45 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.157 PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS KELEMBAGAAN DAN PENGELOLAAN TERNAK BAGI PETERNAKAN KAMBING DI KECAMATAN TOARI KABUPATEN KOLAKA <p><em>The community service program in Toari District, Kolaka Regency aims to increase institutional capacity and management of goat livestock. By identifying the needs and challenges of breeders, a comprehensive training and mentoring program was developed. Training includes livestock management, selection of superior seeds, feed management, livestock health care, financial management and marketing. Regular mentoring provides continuous support to farmers after training is completed, so they can implement the skills and knowledge they have acquired into their daily farming practices.</em></p> <p><em>The results of implementing this program show a significant increase in farmers' understanding and skills regarding goat management. Farmers become better able to recognize and deal effectively with livestock health, nutrition and reproductive problems, which in turn improves livestock welfare and livestock business productivity. Apart from that, the increase in the welfare of farmers can also be seen from the increase in their income and ability to manage livestock businesses efficiently. This program has also succeeded in strengthening cross-sector collaboration between the government, educational institutions and other stakeholders. This collaboration is the basis for the sustainability of the goat farming sector in the region, because it allows for the exchange of knowledge, resources and support between various related parties</em></p> Husnaeni Husnaeni Yuli Purbaningsih Nursalam Nursalam Helviani Helviani Doddy Ismunandar Bahari Masitah Masitah Fitrianti Handayani Aan Wilhan J Marlina Marlina Muhammad Yusuf Zulkharnanim Zulkharnanim Aulia Uswa Noor Copyright (c) 2024 Husnaeni, Yuli Purbaningsih, Nursalam, Helviani, Doddy Ismunandar Bahari, Masitah, Fitrianti handayani, Aan Wilhan J, Marlina, Muhammad Yusuf, Zulkharnanim, Aulia Uswa Noor 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 4 1 64 75 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.160 PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN MAKANAN RINGAN GAPIT DAN STICK BERBAHAN DASAR BAWANG MERAH DI DESA KEPOHKIDUL BOJONEGORO <p><em>There is less than optimal utilization of the red onion harvest, so that many red onions are sold to collectors at standard prices, while some red onions that do not meet the requirements are usually wasted. In addition, there are still many unemployed people in Kepokidul Village, some of whom are directed by the village head to look after the parking lot at the Pedang Reservoir. This reservoir is a potential and motivation for the village SMEs to produce and market processed products. Therefore, KKN UNUGIRI held training on processing processed products from red onions that will become high-value and healthy processed products. The purpose of this Community Service (PkM) is to improve the ability of the village community to produce processed products from red onion raw materials and market them. Thus, creating an increase in the number of SMEs in Kepohkidul Village which reduces unemployment. The target of the training provided was 30 PKK mothers from Kepohkidul Village. The method of implementing PkM was carried out in four activities over three days, namely extracting community knowledge, socialization, training, and evaluating understanding. The results of this PkM activity are an increase in the knowledge and insight of the village community regarding processed red onion products, as well as increasing options for village SMEs for marketed products. The evaluation resulting from this training resulted in 75% of participants experiencing an increase in knowledge and insight related to processed red onion products. The conclusion that can be drawn is that unemployment can be reduced by increasing the number of village SMEs by providing training on processed products and marketing</em></p> Denny Nurdiansyah Su’udin Aziz M. Ridlwan Hambali Rifqi Maulana Rahman Deskia Dwi Nur Koniva Copyright (c) 2024 Denny Nurdiansyah, Su’udin Aziz, M. Ridlwan Hambali, Rifqi Maulana Rahman, Deskia Dwi Nur Koniva 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 19 27 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.155 PKM PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI AI SEBAGAI PENDUKUNG PEMBELAJARAN DI SMKN 2 TAKALAR <p><em>Community Service is intended as a form of approach offered to overcome the problems that exist at SMKN 2 Takalar. The problem that is often faced by SMKN 2 Takalar is in the teaching process to students. The ability of teachers to teach using the application based on Artificial Intelligence, especially regarding presentations, is currently still not used, especially by teachers at SMKN 2 Takalar, due to limited knowledge in managing it to teach students. AI (Artificial Intelligence) based learning media training as a means to transfer subjects by utilizing the application. This learning media is an activity to optimize teaching and learning for students at SMKN 2 Takalar. With the current acceleration of technological developments, if a teacher still uses teaching techniques manually, it will be left behind and boring for a student. Without training activities that are constructive in nature for both personal and group interests, it will result in lagging behind in utilizing animation media as a means for teaching. As a result of the PKM training on AI-based learning media ( at SMKN 2 Takalar, teachers received material on Introduction to Animation Media, Introduction to and other tools. Meanwhile, for practical activities: Making learning materials for each participant according to their lesson, Determining the target students being taught so they can understand the lesson. All the activities trained have gone well and really helped the learning and teaching of SMKN 2 Takalar teachers</em></p> Muhammad Khadafi Nasaruddin Nasaruddin Usman Usman Cucut Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Khadafi, Nasaruddin, Usman, Cucut Susanto 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 46 53 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.158 PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUDAYAAN NILAI PANCASILA DALAM PENGUATAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SEKOLAH LABORATORIUM <p><em>There is a degradation of values ??and morals in the midst of a massive era of change, efforts are needed to fortify students with the civilizing of Pancasila values ??in order to create students with character. The purpose of this activity is to provide new insights and skills for school principals and teachers in cultivating Pancasila values as the basis for the value of strengthening students character in schools through fostering students and structuring school infrastructure. The activity was carried out at the Laboratory Elementary School, Universitas Negeri Malang, Blitar, using a training and mentoring approach. Evaluation of activities using pre-test and post-test instruments were analyzed using a descriptive quantitative technique. As per the findings of the evaluation, it showed an increase in participants' insight and skills in strengthening character education based on Pancasila values, indirectly this training and mentoring activity also had a positive impact on increasing participants' motivation to realize Pancasila-based schools</em></p> Maisyaroh Maisyaroh Sri Untari Tutut Chusniyah Maulana Amirul Adha Dedi Prestiadi Bagus Rachmad Saputra Endrik Mas Yulaidi Copyright (c) 2024 Maisyaroh, Sri Untari, Tutut Chusniyah, Maulana Amirul Adha, Dedi Prestiadi, Bagus Rachmad Saputra, Endrik Mas Yulaidi 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 1 9 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.153 PKM MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS CHATGPT DI MTS NEGERI 4 BULUKUMBA <p><em>This internal Community Service, which is funded by the Makassar Dipanegara Foundation, is intended as a form of approach offered to overcome the problems of MTsN 4 Bulukumba teachers. The problems often faced by subject teachers in carrying out their activities within the scope of MTsN 4 Bulukumba are creating materials and teaching materials using methods that are not yet optimal, there is still a lack of understanding about the use of Information Technology and the use of Application Software that supports learning media, especially presentation processing applications. and application software for creating animations. For this reason, we, from the team implementing community service program activities at Dipa University Makassar, are holding Community Service in the form of providing Artificial Intelligence-based Computer and Information Technology (ChatGPT) for school teachers within the scope of MTsN 4 Bulukumba, who have the ability and skill in applying percentage processing software, and processing and creating questions to support the process of creating interactive learning media. The results of this PKM are that participants' knowledge and abilities have increased with user satisfaction assessments through surveys and assessments from PKM participants, the material provided is in accordance with participants' needs and participants feel the benefits of this activity</em></p> Imran Djafar Marsa Marsa Akbar Bahtiar Copyright (c) 2024 Imran Djafar, Marsa, Akbar Bahtiar 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 28 36 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.156 PENYULUHAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN USAHA MELALUI PEMANFAATAN LAHAN BAGI PETERNAK KAMBING DI KECAMATAN TOARI KABUPATEN KOLAKA <p><em>The community service program aims to increase the capacity of goat farming in Toari District, Kolaka Regency, with a focus on increasing farmers' knowledge and skills in livestock management. Through a series of ongoing training and mentoring activities, breeders are equipped with knowledge about livestock management, selecting superior seeds, feed management, livestock health care, financial management and marketing. Program implementation was carried out in an interactive and participatory manner, followed by regular assistance, which resulted in significant improvements in understanding, skills and welfare of farmers, as well as goat livestock productivity. In addition to providing individual benefits, the program also strengthens cross-sector collaboration, creating the potential to improve the overall sustainability of the goat farming sector in the region</em></p> Yuli Purbaningsih Doddy Ismunandar Bahari Husnaeni Husnaeni Qadaruddin Fajri Adi La Ode Muh. Aswad Salam Raodatul Jannah Abd. Rahim Afsitin Joan Tatra Aminah Aminah Syahdar Baba Muh. Ihsan A. Dagong Aprisal Nur Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Purbaningsih, Doddy Ismunandar Bahari, Husnaeni, Qadaruddin Fajri Adi, La Ode Muh. Aswad Salam, Raodatul Jannah, Abd. Rahim, Afsitin Joan Tatra, Aminah, Syahdar Baba, Muh. Ihsan A. Dagong, Aprisal Nur 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 4 1 54 63 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.159 PERAN PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT DALAM UPAYA OPTIMALISASI PEMAHAMAN TRANSLITERASI MAHASISWA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN BAHASA ARAB <p><em>This activity explores the role of community service in efforts to increase students' understanding of transliteration, especially in Arabic language education. Arabic-Indonesian transliteration is important for students studying Islam and Arabic, involving the process of copying Arabic letters (hijaiyah) into Latin letters and their symbols. The aim of this service is to improve students' skills in using Arabic-Latin transliteration in writing scientific papers. Implementation methods include lectures, discussions, Participatory Rural Approach (PRA), as well as monitoring and evaluation, carried out online. The target of this activity is students of the Arabic Language Education Study Program, Department of Foreign Language Education. The results show high student motivation, easy-to-understand material, and a good level of mastery of Arabic and Indonesian in writing scientific papers using Arabic-Indonesian transliteration rules. It is hoped that this activity can make a significant contribution in optimizing students' understanding of transliteration, supporting improving the quality of Arabic language education</em></p> Uus Rustiman Copyright (c) 2024 Uus Rustiman 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 4 1 10 18 10.53067/icjcs.v4i1.154